The FAST enables you to chart the decline of your patients with Alzheimer's disease. It also allows you to inform their family of likely future cognitive, behavioral and physical changes.
- Stage 1: Normal Adult (i.e., no obvious memory impairment)
- Stage 2: Normal Older Adult (e.g., worry about memory, but nothing clinical)
- Stage 3: Early Alzheimer's Disease (e.g., difficulty concentrating, forgetting names, or misplaced objects)
- Stage 4: Mild Alzheimer's Disease (e.g., loss of IADLs, like carrying out household tasks)
- Stage 5: Moderate Alzheimer's Disease (i.e., can no longer function independently; e.g., loss of ADLs)
- Stage 6: Moderately Severe Alzheimer's Disease (e.g., personality changes, wandering, delusions, forgetting well-known people)
- Stage 7: Severe Alzheimer's Disease (e.g., loss of communication, loss of basic physical abilities like swallowing)
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