Empowering primary-care physicians to care for their elderly patients in a patient-centered holistic manner.

Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is the neglect, exploitation, or harmful mistreatment of anyone over the age of 65 years old. It can involve physical violence, psychological abuse, isolation, abandonment, abduction, false imprisonment, or cargiver neglect. It also includes the unlawful taking of a senior's money or property.
  • If harm is occurring in a private home, you are obliged by law to report it to Adult Protective Services (APS). If the abuse is occurring in a licensed care facility, call an ombudsman or report it to the New Mexico's Attorney General.
  • If you are worried about an elderly patient, contact the sheriff's department and request a welfare check.

Elder abuse hotline: 1-866-654-3219 or 1-505-476-4912 (in Albuquerque)

National Center on Elder Abuse

National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse

NM Adult Protective Services Division

NM Aging and Long-term Services Department

NM Division of Health Improvement, Incident Management Bureau

NM Long-term Care Ombudsman

NM Attorney General's Office

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